Founded by education and community activist and philanthropist, Tara Guber, Breakthrough LA  “umbrella” entity that includes a portfolio of programs that represent Tara’s personal interests  and are holistic, innovative, complementary and coordinated for the greater Los Angeles community.  Content themes for BTLA programs include: Voice & Agency; Identity & Personal Empowerment, Yoga & Mindfulness, Health & Wellness, Food & Nutrition Education.

On this site you will find a selection of Breakthrough LA programs that reflect these areas that are currently active or in development. We will be updating each program as they develop and expand.


Philanthropist, educator and practitioner of yoga for nearly 40 years, Tara founded Yoga Ed., the nationally recognized yoga in schools program. Tara was a founding member of the board of directors of internationally acclaimed Accelerated School, a K-12 charter public school in South Los Angeles. The Accelerated School housed the pilot program of Yoga Ed.’s nationally recognized yoga curriculum for schools, creating a model to export to other public schools. The response to this program from children, teachers and parents is exceptional; all have seen marked and measurable improvement in mental focus, academic achievement and social temperament.  Yoga Ed is now the nationally recognized leader of yoga in schools curricular programs.

She served as co-founder and President of the Hollywood based 501c3, EDUCATION FIRST! Tara continues to support progressive and effective programs that are transforming classroom learning in communities of need.

Tara authored several curriculums and books including, “Contact Yoga.” In 2012, Peter and Tara Guber became part owners of the Los Angeles Dodgers.  In 2011 they became part owners of the Golden State Warriors and in 2014, the Los Angeles Football Club for whom she founded the LAFC Foundation. Tara and her husband Peter Guber, CEO of Mandalay Entertainment Group reside in Los Angeles, California.

Robert Gould - Executive Director

For over 30 years, Robert has worked with producer, author and education and yoga philanthropist Tara Guber on a number of progressive organizations and initiatives including Education First, The Points of Light Foundation, Cities In Schools, Teach For America, CitiKids, Heal LA, Yoga Ed, The Accelerated School, Journalistic Learning Initiative, Breakthrough LA, My Voice Matters and the Los Angeles Football Club Foundation. Robert also consults with individuals and organizations on Identity, Vision, Mission and Strategic Planning.

Robert is President of Imaginosis Media Design that provides concept, art direction and story narrative, themed attraction and experience design services to themed entertainment, event and media companies and co-owner of Faerieworlds LLC, and event production company.  Robert makes his home in Eugene, Oregon.